Info & Advice

What is a Mortgage Capacity Assessment?

This article has been kindly provided by The Money Partnership.

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A mortgage capacity assessment is an affordability check carried out by a fully CeMAP qualified Mortgage Adviser that is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority. It involves reviewing an individual’s financial circumstances to determine their maximum borrowing capacity.  For court purposes these findings are displayed in a report format & are required for the first hearing.

Failure to have this report available, or in an unacceptable format, could result in unfavorable light being shed and make it difficult for your solicitor to argue your case for you. Your court hearing will also likely be delayed, which reflects your decision not to have this report prepared & in place as instructed by the court.

What is the purpose of a Mortgage Capacity Assessment & why do I need one?

A mortgage capacity assessment is to help the courts decide how to split assets fairly. It is important that you attain this assessment from a reputable & approved source, so it is acceptable in court. It will also help in planning for the future & life post-divorce.

What information is required for a Mortgage Capacity Report?

As if you were applying for a mortgage, you will be required to provide your income details, information on any commitments you have such as loans and/or credit cards and declare credit history such as bankruptcy, IVA’s or missed payments.

How much will it cost & what does the report entail?

Pricing starts from £299 and will show the maximum borrowing, mortgage term, monthly repayment cost, interest rate & a full breakdown and explanation.

You will be able to determine whether you can keep your family home, afford to buy a new property alone and details on being able to maintain an existing mortgage or taking out a new one.

What happens next?

As Independent Advisers with access to the whole of market, we can provide advice on what life will look like for you post-divorce. We can help manage your finances, set up a new mortgage and look after your pension & investments needs too. Any fee you have already paid for your Mortgage Capacity Report will be deducted from a service you decide to proceed with us, ensuring your needs are met in an affordable and professional manner.

How to get in touch?

You can contact The Money Partnership by calling 01633 978 070 or emailing The Money Partnership also have an easy to use online booking tool where you can choose a time, date & channel to speak with an advisor here –

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